Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Glimpse of Sunday, June 10 & Building Update

Where are we going?

            I hate being lost when I am driving. I hate it even more when I am a passenger and the driver was supposed to know where we were going and how to get there. Directions are helpful for getting us to a destination. But the bigger question is why I wanted to go to that particular location in the first place. Both are needed, of course. You may know where you want to go and why you want to get there. But if you don’t have directions, you’ll never make it. Or, you may know the directions to get to a place, but once you are there, you may wonder why you bothered to go there.
            It’s no different for a church. Where are we headed as a church? Why are we going to do certain things? Even with those questions answered, directions, in the form of a plan, are needed to get there.
            This Sunday is the Sunday in which I give my State of the Church address in the morning, and then in the evening, we have our annual business meeting. I think this day is important every year. If gives me a chance to reflect on the past year, and then ask God to guide my thoughts as I look ahead to the next year and seek what he wants us to emphasize and focus on in the coming year. It gives me a sense of where we are going and why we are going there. And I like to pass that on to our church.
            In the morning sermon, I’ll build off our mission statement to help people see a clear pathway that will help them become more a part of Trinity and will help them to know how to develop their spiritual life in a deeper way. It’ll combine the where and the why with the directions.
            This year’s business meeting brings the anticipation of approving the new church name that we have selected. For people who haven’t voted yet, we are keeping the voting opportunity open until after the morning service. That will add to the suspense, because no one will know what the name to be presented will be until we actually vote in the evening. You’ll have to be there to find it out since I won’t give it out ahead of time!
            The other important issue that we will present at the annual meeting is a recap and explanation of the building costs. We want everyone to hear how things have gone with the costs, and there will be time for questions.

Almost Done!

            Some of the final parts are now in and making our building look just about finished. The bathrooms have their tile in and the stalls up. The kitchen floor is almost done. All the doors are now in. But the biggest transformation has been that the carpet is now in in the lobby and auditorium. We still have lights to receive that are on order and the plumbing needs to get done, along with the final electrical connections in some spots. Maybe by the end of next week, we could get our certificate of occupancy from the city, which means we are good to go. Here are a few pictures to show you what awaits you this Sunday.

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