Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Glimpse of Easter Sunday & Building Update

"What's the Big Deal about Easter?"

     People may not say those words exactly. But they consciously or subconsciously are thinking them. How do I know? Easy. Our whole society is reminded of Easter. You can't help but be reminded of Easter. But, that doesn't mean they know what Easter is all about.
     You may have friends who are like that. This Sunday is Easter. And it is a BIG DEAL! Fact is, it is the biggest deal anyone will ever find on planet earth--or anywhere else in the universe. It's the biggest deal for two reasons. One reason is because of what happened on Good Friday is proved on Easter Sunday. And what happened on Good Friday is incredible! The other reason is because all that Jesus did for us on the cross is FREE! There's no better deal than that.
     If you have a friend who is wondering what the big deal is about, invite them to come this Sunday because that is the theme of my message. They will understand why Easter is such a big deal. I would also encourage you to graciously take the initiative and ask your friend if they know why Easter is such a big deal. It's a simple, low-key question that can easily open the door to talk about what Jesus did for us. And it could be the question God uses to help your friend get interested in knowing the answer and then coming to church.
     Our Easter service features our worship team leading us in some great, uplifting songs that celebrate Easter. We are going to have a couple of drama segments that will be bookends to my message. It's a celebration you will enjoy--that anyone would enjoy. So make sure you come early. We always fill up the seats. If you invite someone and they come with you or meet you there, suggest they come at 10:15 to make sure you can all sit together.

A New Look on the Inside

     This week on the building, we finally get to see the inside. The brick is up, the outside doors are on, the windows are in, and the temporary wall is down. You can see these in the pictures below, but when you come to church you can really get a feel for things. Enjoy the pictures!

Looking from the new front entrance into the main lobby.

Looking at the new kitchen from the stairs coming down from the Wing.

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