Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Glimpse of Palm Sunday & Building Update

Enter Jesus and Palm Sunday

     What a week of ups and downs. Jesus enters into Jerusalem on Sunday and receives a ticker tape parade from  people all over Israel. Five short days later, he is being crucified! Talk about a fickle crowd! But all in God's plan.
     One of the things about the character of Jesus is that he never lost control of his emotions. He certainly got angry, but it was the righteous kind of anger, not usually the kind of anger we show. While I'm sure his disciples were enjoying the crowd on Palm Sunday and getting their 15 minutes of fame walking with Jesus, Jesus himself  didn't join in their enthusiasm. Why? He knew what lay ahead when the crowd would turn on him. But even through the episode of his arrest, trial, and crucifixion, he kept a peaceful, steady attitude. He could do that because he had entrusted himself into the hands of God. And in doing that, he could rest confidently that God was in control.
     This Sunday, I'm going to talk about how we can have that same kind of trust that Jesus had, no matter what challenges or hardships we are facing. We are also going to view Palm Sunday through the eyes of our kids and enjoy their take on Palm Sunday.
     With just over a week to go before Easter, I encourage you to keep praying for a person or family to come to church on Easter. They will join our wonderful, jubilant celebration of praise and teaching that will help them realize why Easter is such a big deal to all of us Christ-followers.

Building News

     This week has been a week of continued progress on the outside. The bricks are flying (well, they are actually being carefully placed) on the outside. The windows have also been installed today. We are close to having the outside all done.
     Inside, the HVAC men have been running duct work for the heating and cooling units to be installed on the roof. And the electrician has been running wires and continuing to get ready to connect up the power to things. Enjoy the pictures below.

This side is pretty much finished with the brick.

This is the new entrance.

This is looking at the side windows walking up from the lower level.

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