Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Glimpse of Sunday, April 15 & Building Update

I'm Free to Do What I Want

     It seems like every region of the country, and even from country to country, has a perspective on what a true Christian should or shouldn't do. For a long time, and even today, when I lived in the South, a true Christian should never play cards. That even included playing "Fish" with your kids, lest they grow up and get sucked into playing poker.
     Back in the time of Martin Luther, if you were a theology student, you would go to the local pub and talk about theology over a pint of beer with Luther, among other professors and priests.
     What should a Christian do or not do when it comes to a variety of practices that some would say, "Don't do that" or others would say, "Loosen up. I am free to do that."? Where do you draw the line in these areas that can help a person know when they should or should not do certain things?
     This Sunday, April 15, I'm going to begin a series on understanding how to exercise the freedom we have in Christ. How far can we go when it comes to enjoying all that God has given to us? When should I refrain from exercising my liberty to do certain things that others might never do?
     This series will help you develop your guidelines. It may also shake you up a bit.

Moving Ahead Slowly with the Building

     This week, the outside of the building is getting prepped for applying the stucco finish. The white material is insulation boards, and over them will go the wire mesh and then the stucco finish. Inside, the drain pipes were wrapped with insulation. Why would you wrap drain pipes with insulation? That's what I asked also. The reason is that in the winter time, the cold air or water that is in the pipe from the roof, will make the pipe cold. The pipes are in the space above the ceiling tiles and under the roof, an area of about two feet. The cold pipes will meet with the warm air from the heated room below. When the cold meets with the warm, you would have condensation forming on the outside of the pipe and that would cause water to drip down, eventually causing spotting on the ceiling tiles. Wrapping the pipes in insulation eliminates that problem and, so, no water dripping down.
     The ceiling and lighting consultant met with Steve Roy and I last week and will have a finished plan for us on Monday. This will make sure that our front entry lobby and main lobby will tie in together and be one look. Following his plan, then the electrician will be able to finish running his wires, outlets and switches. When he's done, then the sheet rock men will come to put up the walls and enclose things.

Business Meeting Reminder

     Also this Sunday is our business meeting to approve the line-of-credit application to finish the building work. This is an important step as we finish. We are very close to finishing and want to do that in the next month and a half. We also want to keep praying for God to close the gap of providing the money for what we need to finish, but we will need the cash loan while we wait for all our pledges to come in, as well as extra money that God brings. We want to get to the point of being debt-free again as quickly as possible. So join with me in praying and giving to this end.

     Enjoy the pictures below:

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