Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Glimpse of Sunday, March 18 and Building Update

Time to Go and Make Disciples
     We want to keep that command and vision that Jesus gave his disciples in our hearts and minds because he also gave it to us and every other follower of his. So often we continue to get caught up in our Christian circles and activities at church that we don't have time for spending with those who don't know Christ. Jesus always made time for reaching out to those who didn't know him. That was why he came, and that is why the church exists. Each one of us is here to love God and to make disciples.
     We have a great reminder of Jesus this Sunday because Harry Durgin is with us. Harry is a missionary with the Navigators and grew up at Trinity. Harry and his wife, Robin, ministered in South America before coming back to Denver to work to reach out to the 20-somethings in the Denver area.  God continues to use Harry to reach people because he makes time to be with those who don't know Christ. Harry will be preaching Sunday, so you will want to make sure you are here.
     And, with just 3 weeks away from Easter, I encourage you to keep praying for God to open opportunities with your friends and family who don't know Jesus. The Easter Sunday will be a special one with drama, great music and an encouraging sermon especially for those who are exploring Christ.

Building Work Progresses
     I missed my blog posting last week (sorry about that), so I'll catch you up on the building, with some pictures below. We have finished the rough electrical work (that means running the wires to where they are going to become the outlets and light switches). The rough plumbing is also done. You can "visit" the bathrooms and see where the toilets and sinks are going to be. The old roof over the lobby has been redone to tie into the new roof, and the rubber membrane has been put on both the old and new parts.
     Outside, the wall is framed up and the yellow sheathing attached. A waterproof blue coating was put on this week. Next week they will start with the brick on the outside wall.
     Inside, the drain from the bathrooms was connected to the main church drain. This required cutting the concrete through the lobby and into the main auditorium to make a trench to lay the pipe. After laying the pipe, the trench was back filled with dirt and then this week concrete poured to cover the trench back up.
     God has been good in many ways, but one particular way became evident last week. The path of the drain in the auditorium ended up running into the heating/air conditioning return duct. What to do? Well, our plumbers calculated that the return duct was oversized when they built the auditorium so they could run the drain right through the duct instead of trying to figure out an alternative (and costly) solution. Thank the Lord for that. So they ran the drain right through the middle of the duct (you can see the pictures below).
     We keep progressing, with God's help!

The pathway of the drain to connect at the far side near the Lund Rd. Door.

This is the concrete-cutting machine.

Nice, smooth cut through the concrete.

A great "toy" for men who want to dig ditches at home.

The large tube is the heat/ac return duct--right in the middle of the way for the drain!

The solution? Go right through the duct!

Electrical panel in the kitchen.

The new roof ties into the existing shingles to make it water-tight.

Piles of dirt.

Concrete poured.


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