Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Glimpse of Sunday, May 20 & Building Update

It Takes More than Just Good Intentions 

     I'm sure that every one of the 22,426 runners who lined up for last month's Boston Marathon on April 16 had good intentions to finish the race. But with the temperature a hot 88 degrees, quite a number had to drop out. Another 4000 people decided to postpone their running until next year's event and were give a special entrance opportunity to do that.
     As with any race, starting is only part of the race. You can only have a chance at winning if you finish the race. No matter how great you might start, you have to finish.
     I've seen many people become followers of Jesus and start the Christian race well. There is the initial excitement and joy when they experience the work of Christ and the Holy Spirit in their life. All things are new for them as God gives them a new heart that responds to his love. They have a new love for reading the Bible and the Spirit gives then a new spiritual insight into God's Word. Coming to church is exciting. There is joy in singing the songs.
     But somewhere along the way, they start to slow down to a walk. Then, for some, they just stop and drop out of the race. It's one thing if they do that in a race. No big deal. Maybe they just try again next year, or find a new sport. But to drop out of the Christian race is dangerous. I have never found in the Bible any place where a true Christian can elect to become a spectator and sit on the sidelines while they watch other Christians run by. While a Christian isn't going to finish first all the time, the Bible says to run the race to try to finish first. It never says to drop out or quit.
     This Sunday, we will see what Paul says about Christians who drop out of running the race. It's a message that some desperately need to hear because they need to get back into the race. The alternative is much worse off for them than just not finishing a race. So, make sure you are in the race by being in church Sunday!

Building Progress

     We are nearing completion on the building project. The past week and this week, we have seen a number of "colorful" things happening. With a excellent crew of Trinity painters, we painted nearly all the new building parts. What a difference! It's looking good.
     The city of Nashua had required us to extend the sidewalk along Main Dunstable Road. That was completed, as you can see below. The ceiling tile grid was put up and some of the tiles were installed. The fire sprinkler pipes were extended  and are making their appearance in the ceiling. The electricians are back and starting to connect the wires for the outlets and switches. Meanwhile on the roof, the final HVAC unit is being positioned and ducting work connected in the ceiling. Some grading was done in the old playground area.
     We are heading toward the final parts! Enjoy the pictures below.

All the ceiling "stuff" will soon be hidden.

Who knew what a talented youth pastor we have!

Doug painted so fast that his roller was a blur! 

Lots of teamwork in the painting. Here's Jeff and Kim. 

This is the "curb" that an HVAC unit sits on. The workers are  making sure the rubber seals the curb to the  roof so no leaks will happen.

We now have four HVAC units on the roof.

Finished Sidewalk.

One of the sprinklers making its appearance in a ceiling tile.


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